Caldbeck Consulting has actively promoted and developed novel drilling and planting establishment techniques for canola since 2006. In conjunction with innovative commercial growers from Georgia and Kansas, Caldbeck Consulting has pioneered the use of row crop planters in establishing winter canola. This concept has been instrumental in facilitating successful no-till canola establishment. In recent years, Caldbeck Consulting has worked with all major OEM planter manufacturers and after-market equipment companies in this regard.
In 2009, Brian Caldbeck, who provides agronomy support to Rubisco Seeds, facilitated Section 3 registration of Reglone (Diquat) with the U.S. EPA in conjunction with Kentucky Department of Agriculture and University of Kentucky using data originating from work in Ireland. Registration of Reglone means the canola crop can be desiccated and harvested earlier and farmers do not have to leave their crop in the field to dry down naturally before harvesting. Rubisco Seeds invests significant resources, in production focused research, that continues to build the knowledge base for successful winter canola production in the U.S.
In 2012, Rubisco Seeds was the first canola seed company to introduce a Clearfield winter canola hybrid, Edimax CL, to the U.S. market. This technology offers a post emergence herbicide option for farmers who wish to supply non-GM markets. In addition, Clearfield technology in winter canola also confers tolerance to soil residues of the Imidazolinone family of chemicals, a useful attribute in some rotations and regions of the U.S.
In 2014, Rubisco Seeds was the first canola seed company in the U.S. to grade canola seed lots above a minimum specific diameter to improve planter performance through better metering and singulation.
From 2006 to 2014, Rubisco Seeds and Caldbeck Consulting have worked with farmers, processors, retailers and agronomists in the Southeast to build up conventional winter canola acres enabling the opening of a Non-GM Oilseed Processing Plant by the Hart-AgStrong Group in southern Kentucky in December 2014.
In fall 2015, Rubisco Seeds introduces the first early maturity winter canola hybrids developed from DL Seeds breeding efforts specifically focused on southern U.S. growing regions. These hybrids demonstrate 5-7 days earlier maturity than current “early” hybrids and offer a real opportunity for growers to spread harvest workload between canola, wheat and double-crop establishment.