This short presentation explains canola’s benefits as a rotational crop. The video also depicts the canola process and some of the products canola can be used in. Rubisco Seeds supplies premium genetics to the US marketplace in all canola-growing regions. We supply high-yield, high-oil, hybrid winter, and spring canola, both conventional and clearfield, exclusively non-GM seed. Winter canola, in particular, is an excellent crop for sequestering carbon dioxide over the winter months and for a long growing season until harvest in June or July, depending on what region it is grown in. It is also the only crop, by law, allowed to be planted in the fall (autumn) in Europe if on-farm liquid manure is spread pre-October as its root zone can aggressively retain the phosphates and nitrates from eutrophication leaching into waterways- and hence helping with the gulf hypoxia situation. Since December 2022, EPA has allowed canola to be used as a feedstock for Renewable Diesel, which has reduced nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions. The impact of 1 pound of Nitrogen Dioxide on warming the atmosphere is almost 300 times that of 1 pound of Carbon Dioxide as related to the Global Warming Potential (GWP) index.