According to an article from Farmtario, the canola acreage in Ontario, Canada, grew in 2022, with an estimated 15,000 acres of winter canola planted, up from previous years. The growing season was relatively uneventful, with minimal swede midge damage and some white mold pressure due to heavy rainfall in May. However, drought conditions affected crops in some southern regions. The total acreage of winter and spring canola reached 46,506 acres, with yields surpassing the 10-year average. Despite the success, challenges persist, including managing seed supply, winter survival, and pests like club root and swede midge. Additionally, tensions arose due to tariffs on Russian and Belarus fertilizer imports, which impacted farmers. Discussions with the government have taken place to address these concerns and explore potential solutions, such as returning collected tariffs in the form of on-farm storage or shipping discounts. In December, the Canadian government announced its investment of $115 million in tariffs collected to support Ukraine’s electrical infrastructure reconstruction.